Ken The Prince #772 1964

The Ken The Prince 772 outfit, released by Mattel in 1964, is a distinguished ensemble from the Little Theatre series, designed to transform Ken into a regal prince, complementing Barbie’s fairy-tale adventures.


This vintage outfit is complete and is in very good condition.
Near mint condition.
The set includes:

green and gold cape
green and gold lame brocade jacket
white lace collar (it has lost part of its elasticity)
green and gold brocade trousers tights
green and gold slippers
hat with feather, jewel and pearls
clear spike heel shoe made in Japan
red and gold pillow
original pamphlets


You can find more information about Ken The Prince 772 from 1964 at this website, which is a precious source to compare, identify and find more information about Barbie dolls and friends


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